
Notice: Striving for the most affordable pricing, DbD strives to keep prices stable and tries to NEVER increase prices from the 1st detail on. Unfortunately, prices have increase sometimes!

Loyalty Pays off! The longer you use DbD, the more you save!

  • Prices are examples of Basic Detail!

    Compact: $200
    Med Car: $250
    Large Car: $275

    Small Truck/SUV: $225
    Med Truck/SUV: $250
    Large Truck/SUV: $300
    XL’s: $350

    Vans: $300

    Motorcycles: $100
    Boats/RV/Trailer: $10 sqft

    Sm Aircraft: $175 wash - $300 with wax.
    Hourly: $100

  • Headlights: $30 each
    Scratch Removal: $40
    Polish: $30 per panel (1 full pass of 3x) $10 each additional pass
    Paint Transfer: &100
    Badge Removal: $40
    Additional Services Available

  • Hair Removal (during detail) $50
    Stain Removal: $75 hr
    Odor Removal: $40
    Leather Clean/Condition: $75 hr
    Headliner: $100
    And More!

  • Emergency: Bodily Fluids, Last Minute Detailing or Cleaning, Late Night Corrections, etc. Additional $75
    Weekend : Weekends are weather delay rescheduling. If weekend availability is requested. Additional $50